Fee to be me

Fee to be me

Last week I discussed the mountain of federal, state, county and local taxes, surcharges, user fees, and myriad of add-on charges we are all subject to at increasingly oppressive levels. Alarmingly, if you follow what our “leaders” in Washington are planning, we ain’t seen nothing yet. Last week I also mentioned that my wife and […]

Managing acts of God

Managing acts of God

Our recent downpour was a wake up call to our community (like we needed one) about the potential devastation we face in the next few winters to come. That small amount of rain put an amazing amount of mud and rocks in backyards and streets below the burn areas, letting us know what we face […]


Offers note on Anglican/Episcopal relations I noted the recent exchange between Kenneth Grissom and Patrick McDonald regarding St. Luke’s of the Mountains Anglican and  Episcopal Churches in La Crescenta and thought I should clear the air a little. While we appreciate the support of members of the community and their coming to our defense, the […]

When the holiday season ain’t all it’s cracked up to be

When the holiday season  ain’t all it’s cracked up to be

Next week is Thanksgiving. Holy cow! I am still cleaning up from the summer Station Fire and now it’s time to set the Thanksgiving table. Talk about feeling overwhelmed. The holiday season is supposed to be a time of joy when we’re able to spend time with our loved ones. Too often, however, it becomes […]

Honoring our nation’s veterans

Honoring our nation’s veterans

This Veterans Day we paid tribute to the bravery and sacrifice of our veterans.  With over two million veterans in California alone, we have a duty to the men and women who defended our nation to ensure that they have access to the services they deserve.  That is why I recently voted to provide $76.5 […]

Getting a (sur)charge out of life

Getting a (sur)charge out of life

This is getting ridiculous. It was bad enough when the airlines started charging hefty fees for each piece of luggage. And that was after they had already figured out they could charge for meals, drinks, pillows, blankets and headsets. Sigh. I wonder how long until they realize they can charge a toll for access to […]

A Trader Joe’s with good parking?

A Trader Joe’s  with good parking?

Not likely. Parking woes seem to be a trademark of Trader Joe’s grocery stores and we’ll have to wait to see if that will be true of our new store in Montrose. I sat down recently with Mike Morgan, vice president of the Montrose/Verdugo City/Sparr Heights Neighborhood Association, to find out what the latest word […]

Letters to the Editor

HAS AN ANSWER FOR WHAT NOW? Mike Lawler’s attempt to conceal St. Luke’s on-going history of the congregation’s relationship with a denomination that openly approves of homosexuality is most regretful. The church members are aligned with heretical clergy  which concedes to the worldly whims of this breach with true Christian doctrine. Such leaders destroy the […]

My thoughts on the drug forum

By Mary O’Keefe Last week the Crescenta Valley Drug and Alcohol Prevention Council held its first community outreach event via a drug forum. The panel included law enforcement, clinical experts and parent Aileen Bristow whose son was killed at Valley View Elementary School nine years ago in an apparent drug related deal gone bad. In […]