We invite you to the 1st Annual Montrose Film Festival

Mary Dawson

We are so excited about this event! Imagine a night under the stars in beautiful Montrose. The free festivities take place in the lot next to Andersen’s Pets (2230 Honolulu Ave.) and start Friday night, Aug. 27 from 6:30 until 10:15 p.m. and continue Saturday, Aug. 28 from 6:00 to 10:40 p.m. We will be showing films starring famous actors that have meaningful history in our area. The 8:30 p.m. feature Friday night is, “My Wild Irish Rose” starring Dennis Morgan. For those who don’t know, Dennis was a famous movie star during Hollywood’s Golden Years of the 40s & 50s, and the founder of La Crescenta’s Two Strike Park. “My Wild Irish Rose” is a delightful musical about Irish tenor Chauncey Olcott with Dennis playing the lead. I am looking forward to seeing this 1947 movie and hope you are too. “They don’t make ‘em like they used to.”
On Saturday night at 8:10 p.m. we will be showing “The High and the Mighty” starring Glendale’s own John Wayne. Did you know John Wayne’s family moved to Glendale in 1911 when John was just a lad? His Glendale neighbors were the ones who started calling him “Big Duke” because he never went anywhere without his Airedale terrier “Little Duke.” This nickname stuck with him the rest of his life. “The High and the Mighty” came out in 1954 and is about the lives of passengers on a trans-continental flight that begins having engine problems – a great movie for a summer Saturday night with family, neighbors, and friends.
So mark your calendars, bring your favorite blanket and chairs, and come for the whole event. We will provide free popcorn, entertainment from the Maestros band, Looney Tunes cartoons, and Montrose movie shorts narrated by our own Councilman John Drayman. We also look forward to meeting our special guests, the Dennis Morgan family, Friday night around 7:45.
The Montrose Shopping Park is proud to host this memorable evening and thankful for all who have been working behind the scenes to make this happen. Special thanks to Steve Pierce, Mike Lawler and Glendale City Councilman John Drayman. By the way, you will see this vintage photo of The Montrose Shopping Park on our website www.shopmontrose.com. It’s a good site to bookmark with events, a photo blog, and directory of all of our “one of a kind” businesses. Our 200 plus boutiques, salons and cafes sincerely thank you for supporting us and keeping Montrose the special place it is. See you next week with more Montrose summer fun!

Mary Dawson owns
Revelation Tops with her
sister Carole, and serves as vice president of the Montrose Shopping Park.

Feel like you stepped back in time as you join us at the 1st Annual Montrose Film Festival Aug. 27 & 28.