If you’re old enough, you will always remember where you were on 9/11/01 when you heard that a plane had flown into the World Trade Center. Eventually the second tower and the Pentagon were hit by planes. Later we learned that a fourth airliner crashed into the Pennsylvania countryside when a number of brave passengers fought with their hijackers and brought Flight 93 down before it reached its target, the United States Capital building. America was under attack and the terrorists woke up a sleepy nation.

Thousands of Americans responded to the attack, got involved and made a difference. The men and women of the New York City Fire Dept., the first responders, led the way. As we watched our television sets, firefighters rushed into the Twin Towers, while survivors were streaming out. They helped hundreds more escape before the buildings collapsed. In the days that followed, thousands of local firefighters across the nation came to New York City to dig through the rubble, looking for survivors. Several teams of local firefighters went to NYC to help in the search. The attack claimed 343 firefighters and hundreds more suffered health problems caused by the toxic rubble.

The Crescenta Valley responded to the 9/11 attacks with an outpouring of community spirit. We made an effort to look around and help our neighbors. Five years ago we were blessed and protected by the bravery of our local firefighters when we were threatened by the Station Fire. Two firefighters gave their lives protecting our lives and property fighting the fire.

In the next few days take the time to thank our local firefighters for their service. You may run into them in a local supermarket as they shop for dinner, or simply stop by your local station and thank them for their service.

Make it the Crescenta Valley way to remember 9/11.
Lynn McGinnis

Much to Remember
As we remember the nearly 3,000 victims of the attack on Sept. 11, 2001, let’s also remember the victims of our response to that attack: more than 7,000 American soldiers in two abortive wars, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians as a result of the chaos we unleashed in that country and, at home, our civil liberties as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights trampled by the Patriot Act.
Allan Cate
La Crescenta