Letters to the Editor

Comments on ‘Contentious’ Hearing

At its Aug. 15 meeting several city council members mentioned Glendale’s nickname, the Jewel City. After a long and contentious hearing on an appeal by members of the Glendale Homeowners Coordinating Council, Najarian, Asatryan and Kassakhian voted to allow a development that actually decreases affordable housing in central Glendale. They approved demolishing three affordable units and replacing them with one while giving the developer more market rate “bonus” units than he is entitled to as well as many waivers and concessions – thus demonstrating that in Glendale developers get the gems and residents get the paste.

Mary-Lynne Fisher, President
Crescenta Highlands Neighborhood Association

Applauds Coverage of Montana Climate Change

Thank you for covering the landmark youth climate change case in Montana (Weather Watch, Aug. 17). Our youth deserve to live in a clean, healthy environment as it pertains to the use of fossil fuels. As a mother, I would do anything to make sure my son can grow up and thrive in a clean environment – and if I need to change my ways or habits, then that’s what it will take. I don’t know everything, I’m here to learn, and I will do my best to make changes for the better.

For example, I now get as many household products as possible from zero-waste stores to minimize new plastic bottles of everything. I also try to get groceries from local farmers to reduce fuel use and unnecessary packaging. Instead of buying new stuff, I try first sourcing from our local Buying Nothing group or Facebook Marketplace. While I know I’m not perfect, I am committed to being a little more sustainable each day.

Bravo to these youth. I sincerely hope we can all work together and empower ourselves – especially right here in La Crescenta – to make the necessary changes to ensure future generations have basic necessities: clean air, water, and soil.

Jennifer Ho
La Crescenta