There is a Choice

It befuddles me how South Pasadena citizens were able to stop the 710 Freeway from going through their community. They claim historical exemption, which is unfounded. Many communities in Los Angeles County claimed historical sites when the freeways were constructed. The 710 completion through South Pasadena was part of the freeway master plan. By completing it, traffic would be reduced considerably where the 710 Freeway connects to the 10 Freeway and the 5 Freeway in East Los Angeles. Traffic downtown reached its saturation point years ago and the 710 completion would reduce traffic there considerably.

Having lived in La Crescenta for many years and living fairly close to the 210, it is common knowledge that an increase in truck traffic from the Long Beach Port will compound the heavy truck traffic we already have. The increase in truck traffic started when they completed the 210 Freeway to the 15 Freeway. When citizens choose to live in a heavily populated society where the oil and automotive industry dominate the mode of transportation one must bite the bullet and live with it.

We do have a choice; we can move!

Andrew Gero
La Crescenta