Letters to the Editors

It All Started in Montrose!

The Congress of the United States, by Joint Resolution on June 9, 1966, approved H.J. Resolution 763 proclaiming the week in which June 14 occurs as National Flag Week. The same Resolution requested that the President is to issue every year a proclamation and also to call upon citizens of the United States to display the flag during this week.

The origin of Flag Week is very special because it originated in Montrose through the hard work of Bill Bailey, Don Carpenter, Congressman H. Allen Smith, the Crescenta Cañada Rotary Club and my father Vito Cannella back in the ’60s. Nurtured by their love of country and gratitude for those who served and gave the ultimate sacrifice for our nation’s symbol, the American flag, this group had a desire to contribute something positive to the fabric of our country during the difficult Vietnam War era. They dreamed of a national movement to convince Congress and the President to join them in their love for the flag.

From humble origins and the small town efforts of our community, they collected thousands upon thousands of signatures across our state. This dream got the attention of the United States Congress and passed in a joint session and was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1966. So for the last 52 years we ask the citizens of our nation to give recognition and respect for our flag by asking that we honor our flag more than just one day on the national calendar (June 14), but put aside a whole week to honor the flag and ask that all citizens fly our flag for that week.

This cause was very important to my dad, Vito Cannella. Every year since 1967 he would write each President reminding them of their duty to issue the proclamation and every year he got a response from the White House indicating that they would.

My father passed away in 2017 and one of the things we talked about prior to his death was his wish that the story of Flag Week not be forgotten as he was the last of the originating supporters. I promised him I would carry his message reminding our community of it’s history and connection to our hometown. I wrote that letter to President Biden and will remind all of you to fly your flag the week of June 14. That is the purpose of my letter today.

God bless America.

Grace Chase


Permanent CUP Not in Best Interest of Area

The Glendale Planning Commission completely botched its role in deciding whether to extend the conditional use permit to allow Chamlian School (4444 Lowell Ave.) to continue operating under its current conditions.

The issue is not how much parents and students love the school, testimony about which the commissioners allowed to take up a major part of the hearing. The issue is whether the school has complied with the conditions that were imposed when the recently expired CUP was granted in 2014.  

The clear weight of the evidence is that the school has failed to comply with the conditions. In my letter to the commissioners on behalf of the Crescenta Highlands Neighborhood Association I urged the commissioners to visit the site during school drop off and pick up times to see the discourteous, chaotic and dangerous conditions for themselves. If any of them did, they didn’t mention it at the hearing.

In light of the previous conditions’ inadequacy to cure the problems and especially in light of the prelacy’s plans to build a pre-school across the street, the proper course would have been to limit the extension of the CUP to a short time such as two years. This would make it clear to the school administration that the traffic problems must be addressed and would allow the commission to assess the additional problems created by the new pre-school.

Instead the commission completely disregarded the neighbors’ valid concerns and granted a permanent CUP, something that was not even discussed in the staff report and brought up by the applicant in the course of the hearing. Is it any wonder the neighbors have appealed this decision?

Mary-Lynne Fisher, President
Crescenta Highlands Neighborhood Association