Cellphone Towers: Emotion vs Common Sense
I read Tom Suter’s letter to the editor [Viewpoints, March 20]. I retired in 1999 from AT&T. I knew Tom and later became a ham radio operator. He is right on; the people who take on these causes are very ignorant of the technology. I guess emotion has replaced common sense. I would hope that they don’t complain about service on their ear-attached teddy bear.

Robert Perry
La Crescenta

Concerned About Early Start
I had the opportunity to engage with GUSD Superintendent Dr. Richard Sheehan at the Crescenta Valley Town Council meeting this week. I expressed my concern that the school calendar shift to an early start in August has had significant repercussions for the community and places too much emphasis on testing. Dr. Sheehan’s response was that Glendale will follow the early start plan for the next three years and that the school board will continue to monitor data on whether the change is effective.

I would like to remind the board to look at all aspects of this issue, not just the test scores. Do the parents, students, teachers and employees support this change? Is the change interfering with other summer and school-year family activities? What about parents of college and school-aged students who typically travel with the older student to get them settled in their dorms? Are you seeing a higher incidence of heat-related injury due to students practicing sports or playing on the playground in the intense August heat? Do the students need to be kept inside for their own safety?

Personally, I would like to see a customer service survey of the district goals before making the early start calendar a permanent fixture in Glendale.

How does the community feel about this? Let your voices be heard.

Susan Bolan
La Crescenta