Preparing to Cast Your Ballot

From the desk of the publisher Robin Goldsworthy

This week the CV Weekly begins its introduction of candidates for the Glendale City Council, the Glendale Unified School District board of education and the Glendale Community College board of trustees.

Anyone who listened to the City Council meeting on Tuesday heard the policies and procedures outlined in conducting an election. It is a huge undertaking and probably pretty discouraging when one considers the low turn out at the polls that happens so often … sort of like having a party and no one showing up.

But perhaps like party goers who want to know who will be attending the festivities, voters want a chance to know better those who are vying for their vote. Over the next few weeks, we will provide some insight into the candidates, what they stand for and, if elected, what their constituency can expect from them. This information will be collected from one-on-one interviews and responses to questions submitted to them by the CVW.

The City Council slate of candidates is particularly interesting as not only are two incumbents working to retain their seats – John Drayman and Dave Weaver – but a previous councilman –  Rafi Manoukian – is hoping to recapture his seat. Also throwing his hat in the ring is Mike Mohill, the self-proclaimed Friendly City Watch Dog. Mr. Mohill can be found most Tuesday evenings approaching the City Council dais to offer his two cents on events to those who occupy those seats, one of which he wishes to claim.

In addition to the CVW providing information on candidates, several civic organizations will be hosting candidate forums. These forums are a wonderful way for voters to gather information first hand by submitting questions directly to the candidates. The Crescenta Valley Community Association is hosting a Glendale City Council candidate forum this upcoming Friday, Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. at the Dunsmore Park Community Room. The Montrose-Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce is also hosting a forum with these candidates on March 21.

Next Friday, March 4, the CVCA will be hosting a forum for the GUSD board of education candidates also over at the Dunsmore Community Room.

So, don’t be a party pooper on April 5 – attend the forums to learn about the people who want to represent you, then plan to vote.


A couple of weeks ago, the CVW offered a look at the financial face of the foothills. It was somewhat discouraging – though perhaps not surprising given the economic climate that we are all weathering.

The article included the struggles being faced by one of my favorite dining establishments: Frank’s Famous Kitchen in the 3300 block of Verdugo Road, about a block south of where Ocean View Boulevard ends.

I’ve known the owners Roger and Tracy Frey for over 20 years, back in the day when Roger was still working for a graphic design firm and Tracy for a wholesale food distributor. Roger has always enjoyed cooking (invitations to their place were always eagerly accepted) and when he decided to change careers and attend the Pasadena School of Culinary Arts, I knew his friends and family would be the beneficiaries of his training.

How exciting it was when, after his graduation, they decided to buy Frank’s. With a huge kitchen and cozy dining room, it seemed they were set.

But then came the recession and hard times. Tracy was very honest about their predicament and, in addition to speaking plainly to the press, she sent out an email to Frank’s supporters outlining their situation.

And as if to answer to prayer, a financial benefactor stepped forward with a check for several thousand dollars.

This person is not a family friend nor someone else the Freys were acquainted with, just someone who knows business and good food and knew that Frank’s Famous was a winning combination.

Not only did this gentleman step up with needed cash, but he also is working to refine their business plan and give them some guidance.

Who said that all angels have wings?