Sitting on (wet) pins and needles

Usually I write this column on Monday morning, reflecting on activities enjoyed over the weekend or plans for the near future. However, when the weather forecasts began informing us of the major weather coming our way, I waited until the last minute (in this case 5:05 p.m. Wednesday afternoon) to sit down at the keyboard.
Excuse me a minute while I answer the phone.
That was Roger Young of the CV Fire Safe Council. A flash flood warning was issued in our area in effect until 6:30 tonight.
And so that’s how the past two days have gone. As we here at the CV Weekly learned of incidents around town, Mary O’Keefe and Charly Shelton have donned wet weather gear to record for you, our readers, the information you need to know. Charly has done an exceptional job of pulling together podcasts daily that show where new cliffs have formed due to the shearing of mountains due to rushing water. He has recorded press conferences and interviews on video, edited them quickly and then posted them under Videos as Weather Watch 2010 at (note that you must have an updated version of Quicktime to view them). These are not just videos of fast-moving water in front of someone’s house. While Charly has captured those types of compelling images, they have been accompanied by informative commentary about areas that are experiencing the worst of the weather or instructions from safety personnel on what to do in case evacuations were mandated. And today the first of those evacuations were implemented.
And as the news unfolded, I have been here at my computer, fielding calls and sending out Tweets and CV Weekly e-blasts to the community to let them know that schools above Foothill Boulevard will be closed tomorrow, that homes are being evacuated and what those addresses are. If you want to get our e-blasts, send me an e-mail at and write “add me to the blast list” in the message. We’ve caught the attention of other media outlets, too. Mary O’Keefe took a call from the local NPR station that wanted to talk to a news outlet that was in Crescenta Valley, that (as they put it) “were in it.” It feels good to know that other news agencies are working together to get the information out.
A new reporter, Brandon Hensley, made his way to La Cañada High School with photographer Leonard Coutin to see how well the high school is prepared for the newly displaced residents. The gym is outfitted with cots and blankets ready to welcome those who need a warm place to lay their head tonight.
As darkness falls tonight, Wednesday, I sit here nervously waiting to learn what new developments are happening in our community. Rest assured, however, that anything of significance that I find out I’ll pass on to you, my fellow CV neighbor.

Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta Valley Weekly. She can be reached at
or (818) 248-2740.