Weather in the Foothills <<< Sue Kilpatrick

“Our population and our use of the finite resources of planet Earth are growing exponentially, along with our technical ability to change the environment for good or ill.”   ~ Stephen Hawking Weather is the one trusted topic that can be included in polite conversation. So we have been taught. But these days I’m not […]

Weather in the foothills

By Sue KILPATRICK “Can such things be And overcome us like a summer’s cloud, Without our special wonder?” – William Shakespeare, “Macbeth” Persons reading this quotation in India and southern Asia would not understand the significance and “wonder” of a cloud on a summer’s day. Living in a Mediterranean climate as we do in Southern […]

Weather in the Foothills

By Sue KILPATRICK “Dad! … You’re Paul McCartney, aren’t you?” “Yes darling, but I’m Daddy really.” – Paul Mc Cartney, recalling raising his children in the 70s, as said to him by his little girl Stella Mc Cartney as they rode their ponies in Scotland. Those years go by quickly, but remain as memories forever. […]

Weather in the Foothills

By Sue KILPATRICK “So mellow the gentle breath of June day breeze. The birds rejoicing on the leafy trees.” – Francis Duggan, Irish poet, lives in Australia This week’s weather presented us with a warm and beautiful Memorial Day, as a short lived high pressure hovered over southern California. Most of spring has been mild, […]

Weather in the Foothills

Upon stepping foot on the Moon, Buzz remarked to Houston, “Beautiful, beautiful. Magnificent desolation.” ~ Buzz Aldrin, July, 20, 1969 Lunar Module pilot on Apollo 11 and 2nd astronaut to step foot on the moon By Sue KILPATRICK Long before our historical landing on the moon, we gazed upon it in wonder and awe. Its […]

Weather in the Foothills

“The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city On silent haunches and then moves on.” ~ Carl Sandburg By Sue KILPATRICK Only a poet would attempt to compare fog to a cat. But, as I gave the quotation more thought, the similarities were there. Cats are quiet, often times […]

Weather in the foothills

Weather in the foothills

“My favorite weather is bird-chirping weather.” ~ Loire Hartwould By Sue KILPATRICK Last Friday morning I was awakened by chirping birds and the tinkling of wind chimes. Upon opening our French doors, I was greeted by another beautiful spring day – definitely warmer than I had predicted. As mentioned, though, there was a weather tournament […]

Weather in the Foothills

“I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers.”~ Claude Monet By Sue KILPATRICK Whether in the foothills of the Crescenta Valley or a European village in the 1500th Century, the blossoming of spring flowers signifies a change of weather. Winter and its effects are waning, the days become warmer and the sunlight-time grows longer. […]

Weather in the Foothills

By Sue KILPATRICK Water. Its presence and ability to create landforms were experienced with last weekend’s trip to Yosemite. We hoped to enjoy one last snow storm of this season but the valley and higher elevations received only a light dusting of snowflakes during our visit. The many waterfalls and the Merced river gushing over […]

Weather In the Foothills

By Sue KILPATRICK “March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb.” ~ English Proverb This well known saying is most likely derived from the observation that March begins in the winter and ends in the spring. Thus being so, we could expect fierce (like a lion) storms at the beginning of the […]