Weather in the Foothills


“Dad! … You’re Paul McCartney, aren’t you?”
“Yes darling, but I’m Daddy really.”

– Paul Mc Cartney, recalling raising his children in the 70s, as said to him by his little girl Stella Mc Cartney as they rode their ponies in Scotland.

Those years go by quickly, but remain as memories forever. With only a few days of spring left and the first day of summer arriving next week, we are reminded of the passing of time. Has a whole year really gone by since last summer? As mentioned in previous weeks, this upcoming summer is predicted to be on the cool side due to colder than normal waters off the California coast. Before we get too far ahead, let’s first finish off this season, with a late spring, nature-themed reality show being played out on our front porch. The mild warm weather and fatherhood also play a role in this story.

Our house is a typical southern California ranch style, including a weathervane, a flag and a basket of flowers hanging on the front door. One morning, two weeks ago, my husband commented after retrieving the newspaper from the porch, “There is a bird nest in the flowers on the door with eggs in it.”

“What color?” I asked.

With a smile he answered, “Little blue ones, five of them.” He was also concerned about the nest being disturbed by people using the door. He had witnessed the mother bird fly away and not return until the coast was clear. And also keeping watch from a nearby tree branch was the father bird. A little research concluded that these were house sparrows. Also, interesting to find out, both parents took an equal role in raising the babies.

Several days later, the eggs hatched and my son informed me, “Mom, you won’t believe what Dad did! The front door and porch are completely blocked off with yellow caution tape!

“They’re just birds, Mom.”

Just birds … hmm … I reassured him that Dad really isn’t too crazy, he just feels bad for the birds and understands the natural instincts fathers have to protect their young. So, with a well-guarded family chirping away on our front door, spring can now safely transition into summer.

June 21 is officially the first day of summer. Weather wise, the temperatures don’t normally meet the expectation of the season until July. The meteorologist jury is still out as to the highs and lows of this summer. Short term, this week will conclude with a cool off – more early morning fog and warming into the 70s. Add 10 degrees to next week’s forecast.

The nighttimes are remaining in the mid 50s. The full moon has reached its peak for June. People worldwide have given it many names, such as strawberry moon, rose moon and honey moon, each significant to their culture.

This weekend’s weather should be just right for celebrating Father’s Day and possibly watching our bird family leave their nest.

Happy Father’s Day!

Sue Kilpatrick is a Crescenta
Valley resident and Official Skywarn Spotter for the National Weather Service. Reach her at