From the Desk of the Publisher

Differences Discovered Down Under   Hello from Down Under where Steve and I are enjoying a trip of a lifetime. We decided that after 10 years it was time for us to do what so many other Americans do on a regular basis: go on vacation. I know that it’s hard to believe but, aside […]

From the Desk of the Publisher

It Doesn’t Matter   On Tuesday afternoon I was heading to the elementary school that my granddaughter attends. Unfortunately pulling out of the driveway of my office can be perilous because it’s not always easy to see westbound traffic on Honolulu Avenue. I typically try to inch my way out because I know the situation. […]

from the desk of the publisher

A Trend To Be A Part Of I know that the ice bucket challenge is currently a hot topic with celebrities and “regular people” alike accepting the dare to dump a bucket of ice water over their head on video then post the video to social media. They then nominate others to do the same, […]