It Doesn’t Matter
On Tuesday afternoon I was heading to the elementary school that my granddaughter attends. Unfortunately pulling out of the driveway of my office can be perilous because it’s not always easy to see westbound traffic on Honolulu Avenue. I typically try to inch my way out because I know the situation.
On Tuesday, as I was pulling out, a young man in a white SUV had to dodge my car. He was driving at an excessive speed and swerved around me in order to avoid hitting me. As we approached the 2900 block of Honolulu, where there was a red light, I rolled down my window assuming he had something he wanted to say to me … and I had something I wanted to say to him.

Valley Weekly. She can be
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or (818) 248-2740.
Sure enough, he looked over at me and said, “You should be more careful!”
I responded by saying, “You were speeding.”
He said, “That doesn’t matter.”
I watched astounded as he continued westbound on Honolulu going in excess of the speed limit by about 15 miles. It doesn’t matter? What about if he plowed into me, injuring him and/or me?
His attitude falls right in line with Mary O’Keefe’s story on the bottom cover of this week’s paper. Being with the CHP as the officers confronted careless, speeding and distracted drivers, her reporting of how these drivers responded to officers is just as astounding as how the young driver reacted to my observation that he was speeding and reckless. Apparently their actions “don’t matter.” As my mother used to tell me, the world doesn’t revolve around me – maybe these drivers need to be reminded of the same thing.
I read an article years ago that always stuck with me. It was about a father who would adhere a small, furry toy onto the dashboard of the car his newly licensed child would be driving. On the toy, where it could easily be seen by the driver, were the letters ICKY. It stood for Impatience Can Kill You. The dad wanted his child to be cautious and to make sure and give himself enough time to get where he wanted to go. After all, ICKY.
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On Saturday morning, I will be getting up early – earlier than most Saturdays for sure – and heading over to CV Park for the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce’s annual 5K walk-run. This fundraiser for the chamber is a great way to not only get out and enjoy some (probably for most of us) much-needed exercise but a chance to visit with friends and neighbors. For those who are a bit competitive, runners will be timed crossing the finish line. There will be fresh oranges to enjoy, cold water and T-shirts for most of the runners. Being so close to Halloween, in addition to donning their running shoes, runners can wear Halloween costumes. I’ve seen everyone from action heroes to escapees cross the finish line. Who knows what this Saturday will bring?
For more information, read this week’s cover story.