From the Desk of the Publisher

Busy Day in the Neighborhood


Tuesday was crazy in the Crescenta Valley. First, there was robbery in the afternoon at the Montrose Wells Fargo Bank that, after a brief search by Glendale police, resulted in the apprehension of a 31-year-old transient. While Mary O’Keefe was on the phone with me making her report, she all of a sudden got excited – not something that is common with Mary. A gold minivan or SUV sped by her, turned onto Montrose Avenue and headed west with several law enforcement agencies on its heels – or should I say on its wheels?

In any case, the scenario caught Mary off-guard and she had to take a moment to regain her composure. The high-speed pursuit didn’t begin – nor end – in the Crescenta Valley. Eventually it came to a stop in the Echo Park area of Los Angeles. Our office manager Rachelle and I saw the pursuit as it screamed passed our office building at the corner of La Crescenta and Honolulu avenue. It was sort of reminiscent of the beginning of the movie “The Goonies” ¬– very surreal. I mean, how often does that happen in our peaceful Crescenta Valley? Holy moly.

Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta
Valley Weekly. She can be
reached at
or (818) 248-2740.

As quickly as Mary O’Keefe could give me the information, I was updating our website and social media sites. I take great pride in providing my community with up-to-date and accurate information. To be honest, I sometimes catch heat because Mary and I agreed when I started the paper that we wouldn’t release rumor or speculation in our rush to get news out to our readers. I think that it is essential to provide accurate information; if we didn’t vet our stories, how different would we be compared to bloggers, commentators and opinion writers?

On that note, I want to remind people that this policy is something that was decided on back in 2009 when I started the CV Weekly. Though a local social media site posted this week that this newspaper is owned and distributed via the Los Angeles Times that is not the case. This venture is my sole responsibility; I created it, I funded it and I work my tail off on it every day. That is why I am so thankful to my subscribers and advertisers for supporting the CV Weekly; they are supporting me and my dream.

Enough said.

On to the Christmas Parade! It’s this Saturday and, if you come to watch along Honolulu Avenue, make sure and wave to the CV Weekly “float” (I use the term loosely) provided courtesy of the Early Rodders. It’s a wonderful event that we’re proud to be a part of.