Veterans Day at Two Strike Park

Photos by Mary O’KEEFE
American Legion and VFW veterans presented the flags of all branches of the military.



Veterans from the American Legion Post 288 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1614 hosted a Veterans Day ceremony at Two Strike Park on Monday.

Mike Baldwin, a veteran of Vietnam, was master of ceremonies. He told the audience they could do simple things when they meet a veteran.

“Just thank them for their service,” he said, “and ask if there is anything you can do for them.”

Town Councilmember Donna Libra retires a flag during the ceremony.

The ceremony was an opportunity to recognize the 100th anniversary of the American Legion. The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization. It was founded in Paris by delegates from all units of the American Expeditionary Forces who served in World War I.

“These troops envisioned a different kind of veterans association and it would be like none before it or any kind that followed,” said Ron Bularz, a veteran and member of American Legion.

Rep Adam Schiff addressed the crowd.

Assemblymember Laura Friedman was at the event. She thanked the veterans for “keeping us all safe.”

Congressman Adam Schiff was also at the ceremony. He too thanked the veterans.

“I want to give a shout-out to my favorite veteran, my 91-year-old father,” he said.

His dad joined the service at the end of WWII.

JROTC members.

“Thank you for your profound service to country,” Schiff said addressing the veterans. “I had the opportunity once again two weeks ago to visit troops in Afghanistan. I want to tell you just how truly impressive they are.”

He added he was struck by how young the service men and women were.

“Years ago when visiting our troops in Iraq at the height of the [insurgence] one of the generals told me that he had 35,000 American teenagers serving in Iraq,” Schiff said.

Some of those serving were on their first tour while others had faced many more, even up to four, tours.

Schiff also wanted to pay tribute to those who were serving in U.S. intelligence agencies.

“Many work around the world in dangerous places,” he said. “One thing that is crystal clear is the tremendous dedication and courage of the men and women in uniform and [serving] in intelligence.”

Boy Scout Troop 288 ended the ceremony with a flag retirement.