Politics and CVW

These are unusual political times. For the fourth time in history a Presidential impeachment hearing has begun creating an even deeper divide between political parties. But before these hearings the toxic atmosphere between Republicans and Democrats had infected almost all areas of life extending even to family gatherings where sides are taken.

As the March 2020 election in California approaches, Crescenta Valley Weekly will be working hard to cover topics that are important to our community. CVW will be looking at issues locally, as well as from the perspectives of Washington, D.C. and Sacramento, and how they will affect our neighbors.

CVW is a community paper and its staff admires and respects its readership. CVW will not be part of any name-calling, unsubstantiated accusations or personal attacks. CVW will not report rumors or conspiracy theories but will report the facts even though in some cases even facts are being disputed; however, CVW will work to make certain opinions are not written as facts.

As always, our writers will reach out to all of those running for office understanding that some may not respond. We will also cover the new voting system in Los Angeles County.

For letters to the editor that come into CVW, the editor will publish those whose opinions are stated in a respectful manner.

We know that everything we do will not be agreeable to all. In this political climate, accusations are often simply made because a side is not taken. CVW will do its best to report down the middle, allowing our readers to make up their own minds.

The staff of CVW is looking forward to the March 2020 election. And because, as stated previously, this is a community paper we would like to know what questions our readers would ask those running for office, whether for a local office to a national one.

Please email your questions to mary@cvweekly.com.