GPD Offers Halloween Safety Tips

Glendale Police Dept. reminds the public to watch for trick-or-treaters on Halloween!
With Halloween here, the GPD is reminding parents to be prepared and keep a close watch on their children as they go through the neighborhood collecting candy and treats.
For parents and guardians, that means making sure children are visible to drivers. Adults should be using a designated sober driver when leaving a local bar, restaurant or house party.
“Drivers should expect to see more people out walking than normal, even with Halloween falling on a Thursday this year” Sergeant Jeff Albrecht said. “Be patient and look for trick-or-treaters. We want everyone to have fun, but also be responsible and get home safely.”
In an effort to keep trick-or-treaters and others in the Halloween spirit safe, the GPD will have additional officers on patrol Halloween night looking for drivers suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
Remember that “DUI Doesn’t Just Mean Booze.” If you take prescription drugs, particularly those with a “Do Not Operate Heavy Machinery” warning label, you might be impaired enough to get a DUI. Marijuana can also be impairing, especially in combination with alcohol or other drugs, and can impair.
The Glendale Police Dept. offers these tips for drivers and parents out with children trick-or-treating:

  • Carry a flashlight so drivers can see you
  • Have children wear costumes that are easy to walk in and see out of. Make sure costumes and masks fit well and don’t block a child’s view or cause them to trip and fall
  • Stick to familiar, well-lit routes
  • Only cross the street at crosswalks or corners where it is safe. Always look left, right, then left again before crossing
  • Always look up. Avoid using the phone while walking
  • Look out for trick-or-treaters who may cross the street mid-block, or from behind parked cars
  • If you plan to drink, plan to use a designated sober driver.
  • Hosting a party? Offer non-alcoholic drinks and don’t allow anyone who may be impaired leave.