Hearing All Kinds of Birds as Students Walk to School

Photos by Mary O’KEEFE
Valentina Lavanchy took part in Walk to School Day on Wednesday.


Walk to School Day is an international event that focuses on students, and parents, to take time to walk to school instead of rushing to deliver students in vehicles. It is centered on creating better health for the student as well as being good for the environment. Walk to School Day on Wednesday coincided with California Clean Air Day.

A group of Rosemont Middle School students began their walk at Two Strike Park with school and district administrators. Seventh grader Molly Necus joined her friends in walking to school from the park. Molly does not often walk to school but on Wednesday took time to recognize the value of Walk to School Day.

Students and families gathered at Two Strike Park.

“It’s better for you, and it’s kind of fun,” she said. “It’s nice to get fresh air.”

Valentina Lavanchy is a fourth grader at Monte Vista Elementary School. She also started her walk at Two Strike Park with others from her school, including Principal Suzanne Risse.

“I like [walking] because I get to hear all the different types of birds,” she said.

Valentina and her mother, Bella, were talking about how much they enjoyed the walk and are hoping to walk to school more often; however, logistics with her older sibling makes it difficult.

Bella said she is concerned about traffic if her children walked to school. There were sheriff’s units and California Highway Patrol at the park on Wednesday, helping with the large number of children on the streets.

“I wish [law enforcement] was here more often,” Bella said. “We have had parents who have almost run over our crossing guard. They disrespect our crossing guard, and it’s not just parents; there are other [drivers] like landscapers and construction guys who don’t understand how it works here.”

She added she has seen truck drivers yell at the crossing guard and, at times, completely ignore her while she’s in the crosswalk, driving through it.

There is a lot of traffic early in the morning especially on Briggs Avenue, as parents and kids from Mountain Avenue Elementary School discovered when they walked to school. Everyone was all smiles though as they walked down the sidewalk toward their schools.

It is hoped that those who enjoyed walking to school on Wednesday will find more times to walk.

“Walking down to school was easy, it’s that walk back that gets you,” Bella said as she trekked north on Rosemont Avenue toward home.