Green Light for Pennsylvania Rehab


The Glendale City Council gave the green light on Tuesday night to appropriate the funds necessary to overhaul a key thoroughfare of the Crescenta Valley.

A total of $332,600 is to be appropriated for the Pennsylvania Avenue Rehabilitation Project, which is part of a series of projects by Glendale Public Works to improve the city’s streets. The funds will be appropriated from the state gas tax fund and from a critical infrastructure protection (CIP) reimbursement fund.

Among the improvements to be realized by the project will be the selective removal, reconstruction, or surface grinding of deteriorated pavement and placement of asphalt concrete pavement; modification of traffic signals; selective removal and repair of broken and damaged sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and alley aprons. Other improvements will include the construction curb ramps that are American With Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant.

A stretch of Pennsylvania Avenue running from the 210 Freeway to Markridge Road straddles the respective jurisdictions of Glendale and Los Angeles County.

Earlier this year, the city council approved a cooperative agreement with Los Angeles County on the needed repairs on Pennsylvania. According to that agreement, Glendale will perform the project administration, including design, project management, construction inspection, and construction management. Los Angeles County will pay for the work within county limits as well as its proportional share of the administration costs. The county will also deposit with Glendale $166,300 in order to finance its jurisdictional share of the cost of the preliminary design engineering.

Estimates by city and county staff tally the total costs for the project at over $3.3 million.