From the Desk of the Publisher

Expressions of Gratitude

Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta
Valley Weekly. She can be
reached at
or (818) 248-2740.

Yesterday, Sept. 11, I was honored to be part of the 9/11 Remembrance Motorcade that traveled through the Crescenta Valley. For the first time, I heard that there were questions regarding why the motorcade was held. After all, the attacks on the United States should not be celebrated.

The motorcade is not a parade; it does not celebrate the attacks on American soil. Instead, it commemorates the resilience shown by our fellow countrymen to rise above this horrible disaster while remembering those who perished and honoring first responders – those who run toward disaster rather than away from it. This reasoning was obviously shared by the many people who we passed who waved flags at the 50-plus cars that drove by. It was also apparent that the history of 9/11 was shared with the thousands of students who attend schools in the foothills. Students in private institutions and public schools came out to show their support for the motorcade. At Crescenta Valley High School, the band played while the color guard and cheerleaders showed their support. Hundreds of students also lined Community Avenue.

It was just one of many touching moments along the route and one that expresses the gratitude of our community. I’m so glad I was there.


The news I shared last week that CV Weekly hit the milestone of 10 years of serving the community was well received. Many of our readers sent notes of gratitude; one, who has a keen sense of humor, did his research and discovered that 10-year anniversaries are celebrated with gifts of tin. And though he swears that he searched high and low (including Tiffany’s and other jewelers), he couldn’t find a “tin” gift. But quick thinking as he is, he was not thwarted. After searching his kitchen he sent a beautifully wrapped pie tin to celebrate our 10-year (or should I say “tin-year”) anniversary. Thanks, Joe and Mary Ann.

In this week’s commemorative issue you’ll find articles that follow up on stories we’ve done over the years, introduced with a “Looking Back” banner.  You’ll also see a timeline that touches on other stories we’ve written.

It’s truly humbling to realize the amount of information we presented these past 10 years and I’m extremely grateful to the people who helped bring that news to you. I’m also grateful to the individuals, businesses and organizations that sent congratulatory messages that were included in this issue.

Thank you, all.