Aug. 30

600 block of Highland Drive in La Cañada, a family left their home in the morning and returned to find a person/persons had entered their residence and ransacked several rooms. The screen on a window had been removed and the glass had been cracked in several places. Several personal items were stolen.

The residential burglary occurred between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.



1400 block of Hacienda Drive in La Cañada, a woman left her wallet in her vehicle in the evening. The next morning she was contacted by her credit card company concerning several transactions that had been red-flagged by the company. She did not recognize any of the transactions. She went to her vehicle and found her wallet was missing from her vehicle.

The theft occurred overnight.



1400 block of Hacienda Drive in La Cañada, a woman received a call from her neighbor informing her that several vehicles in the neighborhood had been burglarized. She went to her vehicle and found that several items had been stolen from it.

The vehicle burglary occurred overnight.



5200 block of Alta Canyada Road in La Cañada, a vehicle was rummaged through. Surveillance footage revealed multiple people dressed all in black walking from the west end of Hacienda Drive and Alta Canyada toward the victim’s vehicle.

The incident occurred overnight.



800 block of Highland Drive in La Cañada, several rooms in a house were ransacked and a glass door on the second level of the house had been shattered. The resident did not report anything stolen at that time.

Surveillance footage showed two suspects walking in the resident’s backyard. Suspect 1 was wearing a dark blue Nike hoodie, track-type pants and gloves. Suspect No. 1 was on his cellphone. Suspect No. 2 was wearing a dark blue hoodie, shorts and red shoes.

The residential burglary occurred at 11:50 a.m.



Aug. 29

2000 block of Lyans Drive in La Cañada, deputies responded to an alarm activation. The deputy entered the home and found several rooms had been ransacked. The basement door was open and the glass in that door had been shattered. The resident of the home was contacted and did not report anything stolen at the time. She did tell the deputy her home had been burglarized several weeks prior to this recent event.

The alarm activation was at 3:20 p.m.



Aug. 28

2300 block of Foothill Boulevard in La Cañada, a man had his vehicle’s oil changed and when he returned to his car his vaporizer pen was missing.

The incident occurred between 3 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.



4500 block of Hampton Road in La Cañada, a man left his backpack in an unsecured locker room. When he returned he discovered the backpack had been stolen, along with laptop computers that were in the pack.

The theft occurred between 3:20 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.



Aug. 26

700 block of Greenridge Drive in La Cañada, a resident reported that video surveillance revealed two suspects dressed in dark clothing entered the property through the side yard. Several minutes later the footage shows the suspects leaving the property. There appeared to be no damage done to the residence and nothing appeared to be taken.

The incident occurred at 8 p.m.