Weather in the Foothills

“The summer days are fading, as they must.

From endless hours to short and fleeting light

their wild and unchained days depart…”

~ Shannon Georgia Schaubroeck, The End of Summer

The length of daylight is slowly changing. Simply put, it is getting dark at an earlier time. Or, not to mince words, I detest dark evenings.

Some of life’s finest moments happen during the time between sunset and dark. These days those moments are brief and fleeting. As spring flowed into summer and now as fall absorbs summer, the change in light seems more apparent. Savor this time; visit with the neighbors, take a leisurely walk with your pooch and use up the last bit of propane in your barbecue. Lowes has displays of pumpkins and Christmas ornaments and seasonal cards can be found at our local Hallmark store. At least the weather is still holding on to summer, and it will continue to do so.

The sun is casting off less light every day and therefore beaming down less heat. And yet in many parts of the United States, the weather has only gotten warmer. Areas in Southern California, including La Crescenta, are good examples. The Colorado Fire on the border of Eagle Rock and Glendale is only a precursor to the upcoming fire season as the heat continues and the Santa Anas begin to blow.

With the sun directly overhead on June 21 – the first day of summer and longest day of the year – one would surmise that day to be the hottest as well. There is good scientific reason as to why this is not the case. The name for this phenomenon is seasonal lag. The key to its effect is the proximity of land to water; also in the equation is the size of said water. Water absorbs heat, so it goes to reason the larger the body of water the more heat is stored. In close proximity to us is the Pacific Ocean, the largest body of water on Earth and our heat source. In places where there is more water, temperatures rise and drop more slowly. The California coastline and coastal valleys are those “places;” their hottest days often extend into October. Summer is slow in coming and slow in leaving.

Temperatures reaching near 110 degrees are predicted into the weekend. Adding to the discomfort, thunderstorms and showers are likely on Monday and Tuesday. Only two more months of similar weather to go!


Sue Kilpatrick is a Crescenta Valley
resident and  Official SkywarnSpotter
for the National Weather Service.
Reach her at