Damages Being Done to Two Strike Memorial Wall


After numerous fundraisers and many years, the Two Strike Park Memorial Wall was completed in 2013. It was a labor of respect, loyalty and service not only for the veterans who began the remodeling project of the older wall, but to the entire community that came out in force to raise funds.

The bronze plaques hold names of those who sacrificed their lives for their country. The veterans are protective of this wall as it is a way to show respect for fellow military men and women who served and paid the ultimate price.

That is why it is extremely disturbing to see the disrespect that is being shown to the wall, specifically to the plaques that hold those names.

“I have found the plaques scratched three or four times now, and each time it is on at least three plaques,” said Roy Allmon, veteran and member of the Two Strike Memorial Wall committee.

The scratches are small ‘X’s” and lines that look like they were scratched by a child. No words have been scratched into the plaques. This leads Allmon to believe young children are doing this.

“I think parents need to watch their kids [when they are at the park],” he said. “And parents need to tell their kids what this wall represents.”

Anyone who has any information on the vandalism
to the wall is asked to contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept., Crescenta Valley Station (818) 248-2740.

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