Just a Little Wave
Mary O’Keefe and I were recently talking about how rude some people seem to be. Whether walking or driving, they seem to have a lack of patience. When someone does do something nice, we can’t help but take notice.
For example, when driving and you pull over to the side of the road to let someone pass you who is coming the opposite way. When s/he gives you a little wave thanking you – well, that’s appreciated. That driver realizes that you took moment of your time to be kind and let them pass by unobstructed. Bravo!
I am fortunate that (with few exceptions) I haven’t seen a lot of bad behavior. Well, come to think of it that doesn’t necessarily extend to those behind the wheel. How many times have drivers come barreling out of their street onto the main road with nary a look to see if they cause someone else to brake – much less realizing (or caring) that they narrowly avoided a collision?
Or in the Vons parking lot do they not see the stop signs at the end of the aisles? That is to give drivers the right of way who are traveling the “main lane.” And these stop signs are not suggestions; they were installed so drivers would avoid colliding.
Thinking back I remember my dad laughing and shaking his head when we left church. He couldn’t help but comment how angrily parishioners drove who just minutes ago were sitting in church.
But I think I’m sounding a little “Get off my lawn!”-ish. I don’t mean to; but coupled with the lying attitude of some people that I wrote about last week it sometimes becomes a little overwhelming.
I do have a funny story to share.
I recently traveled to Cambria. On the way home, I drove along the 1/101 since it was so hot inland and I didn’t have a particular time I was trying to get home. So I popped the top on the convertible and made my way to La Crescenta.
Not long after I noticed a stink in my car. Steve asked me how the car acted on the drive up and back and I told him the car stank – like something died in it the smell was so bad.
We went out and examined the car from top to bottom but didn’t find anything. Then he told me to pop the top.
“There’s your problem,” he said pointing to a piece of squid on the convertible top.
From what I can figure, a bird must have flown past me and dropped the squid – which landed on my car. When I put up the top the squid was hidden – but not the stink. I scraped it off and bought a bottle of Pooph.
Hopefully that’ll do the trick.

Valley Weekly. She can be reached at robin@cvweekly.com
or (818) 248-2740.