Weather in the Foothills

“We cannot stop the winter or the summer from coming. We cannot stop

the spring or the fall or make them other than they are.”

~ Gary Zukav

NEW Weather in Foothills ART WEB

It is only May! Summer is still a month away. If current conditions prevail, new thermometers will be needed when beyond hot temperatures send the mercury towards the breaking point. Maybe thermometers weren’t broken, but temperature records were.

The weather this week, aside from the scorching heat, was beautiful. Daytime temperatures peaked at around 100 degrees. The nights remained warm, close to 70 degrees – conditions resembling summertime, minus the crickets. A full moon will have to make up for their absence. May’s full moon has many names – Flower Moon, Milk Moon, Hare Moon and Grass Moon. Reminds me of a children’s poem by Penny Pollack “When the Moon is Full”: Full moons come/Full moons go/But as they travel/They are named.

Since the early days, Native Americans across the Northern Hemisphere gazed at the moon in awe. Seasons passed and circled around in a systematic pattern, and labels gradually evolved and were given to each moon in the annual cycle. The eventual names were often based on geographical specific weather and social activities, including hunting and agriculture. The prominent animals, birds and plants during specific times of the year also influenced the naming of the moon, such as Flower Moon – abundant blooming in May; Milk Moon – referring to baby animal’s nourishment; Hare Moon – animal symbolic of reproduction and rebirth; Grass Moon – seeds emerge and grasses become plentiful.

The delivery of the CV Weekly will coincide with the setting of May’s full moon. Well done, Robin!

Bob Gregg, local resident and observer for the L.A. County Flood Control and L.A. National Weather Service, who has 60 some years of valuable statistics, concludes that heat waves in May are a normal weather occurrence. Although, established as fact, each year we are quite certain, “May has never been this hot” and ask, “If it is this hot now, what about the summer?”

Relax and stay cool; relief is in sight.

Hot Santa Ana’s will give way to cool ocean breezes beginning Saturday. Better yet, meteorologists are looking at a chance for showers by Tuesday.

Cooler weather comes as we travel to the Northern Coast – Humboldt University – for our son’s graduation. Thank you for the joyous occasion and an escape from the heat.

Congratulations, Greg!

Sue Kilpatrick is a  Crescenta Valley resident and Official Skywarn Spotter for the National Weather Service.
Reach her at