IN Brief

Restoration Day at Preserve

The next Rosemont Preserve restoration day is Saturday, May 10 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Plans include removing invasive plants and performing some trail maintenance. There will also be weeding and watering of the south slope plants.

The preserve is located in La Crescenta at the north end of Rosemont Avenue, just past the chain link fence. Parking is available at Two Strike Park, 5107 Rosemont Ave.

Rattlesnakes have been seen in the preserve, so volunteers are advised to wear sturdy shoes and long pants and sleeves; bring garden gloves if you have them. Those who have shovels, spades, loppers, hatchets and clippers are also encouraged to bring them. Other tools and equipment will be available.

Fire Service Day

Glendale Fire Dept. is hosting Fire Service Day on Saturday, May 10. Glendale residents are invited to the fun that includes a free pancake breakfast at 9 a.m. prepared by Fire Chief Harold Scoggins and his fire command team. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., participants will get to see firsthand how firefighters conduct vehicle extrications, take tours of the fire station, and use a charged fire hose. There will be a rock wall and face painters for children along with a special visit from Sparky the Dog.

Glendale Fire Dept. Fire Service Day is at Fire Station 21 located at 421 Oak St. in Glendale.

Water Alert Status Changed

Effective May 1, Crescenta Valley Water District moved from Green Water Conservation Alert to Yellow Water Conservation Alert. With the hot summer months approaching, Gov. Brown requested that every city and community conserve water in every way possible. In response, CVWD asks residents for extraordinary water conservation efforts. The most significant change is outdoor irrigation will be permitted only on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Watering times will remain the same with outdoor irrigation allowed before 9 a.m. and after 5 p.m. Appropriate hand watering of potted plant and vegetable gardens are excluded from the time limitations.

For more information, visit the district’s website