Some of My Favorite Things

From the desk of the publisher Robin Goldsworthy

I’m sure that it will surprise few to learn that I love the Crescenta Valley Weekly. It is satisfying that the amount of hard work and dedication that is poured into this paper every week by our writers, photographers, salespeople, designers and office management is rewarded by readers who enjoy it so much and advertisers who find it so valuable. I boast to whomever will listen that this paper – which is easily found most anywhere in the Crescenta Valley – actually has hundreds of readers who pay $1 a week to have the paper delivered in their driveway. Not because they can’t find it in public places but because they want to support this home grown effort.

Equally gratifying is the opportunity to talk about the CVW. Local reader Paul Liu invited me to do just on Tuesday night. Paul was kind enough to invite me to address the Jewel City Kiwanis group that meets at Clancy’s Crab Broiler on Central Avenue in Glendale.

The gathering was modest, but enthusiastic. As any of you know who have attended an affair at Rosemont Middle School or Cruise Night on Brand Boulevard, among other places, it’s the Jewel City Kiwanis who are cooking up that tempting barbecue. Before speaking on Tuesday, I had the chance to listen to their busy calendar when they’ll be cooking all over Glendale in the next few weeks.

The Kiwanis also have a segment when the pot is passed and folks can contribute “happy” or “sad” bucks, celebrating milestones or acknowledging a challenge that someone is going through. Every member at Tuesday night’s meeting put in a “happy” buck that I was going to speak (however, I don’t know if any asked for their buck back after I was done). That was really nice.

Stepping up to the podium I outlined what it took to pull the CVW together from its modest beginnings at my, then Mary O’Keefe’s, kitchen table and how much we’ve grown.

Thank you to the Jewel City Kiwanis for allowing me to tell my tale, for their warm welcome and for donating a book in my name to the Glendale City Library in thanks for me stopping by.

The Kiwanis Club is a service club dedicated to helping kids. They’re looking for members, so visit their website to learn how you can help.

Another of my favorite things takes place this Sunday along Honolulu Avenue: CVHS Prom Plus annual Taste of Montrose.

This event, which has been around for a couple of years, was inspired by the annual Taste of Glendale that benefits Glendale Healthy Kids and is held the second week in May. When Prom Plus first came up with the idea, it was Camille Levee over at GHK, Jean Maluccio with the CV Chamber of Commerce and John Drayman (who knows all things about the Montrose Shopping Park) that guided us in putting together a successful event.

Taste of Montrose is held in conjunction with Wags N Whiskers, Kids & Kritters and the weekly Harvest Market on Sunday morning. Taste is from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and includes more than two dozen restaurants – some which open their doors for the event and others who have a booth in our food court. For “foodies” like me, this is must “go to” event. Tickets are just $20 and available now at Paradis and Merle Norman Cosmetics on Honolulu Avenue, at CV High School, the Montrose-Verdugo City and CV chambers of commerce, J’s Maintenance on Foothill and the UPS stores in both La Crescenta and Montrose. Tickets will also be available on Honolulu at the east end on Sunday morning.

And after you’ve recovered from Taste of Montrose, you can look forward to Taste of Downtown Glendale on May 11.

Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta
Valley Weekly. She can be

reached at

or (818) 248-2740.