From the Desk of the Publisher



I’m sure you’ve heard many ways in which folks are incorporating into their vocabulary the launch of the new decade: 2020. They are looking ahead with “clear vision.” They’ll be “seeing clearly in 2020.” You get it.

I think this desire to see clearly into the New Year – heck, the new decade – is understandable. It’s an opportunity to clear the cobwebs and focus on those things that are important, whether living a healthier lifestyle, growing a business or having more family time. These are, in fact, things that I’m looking to in 2020 and beyond. Let’s start with a healthier lifestyle.

Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta Valley Weekly.
She can be reached at or
(818) 248-2740.

I’m proud to say that in 2019 I lost about 10 pounds. I say “about” because during the year the loss has been over 11 pounds but, around the holidays, I’m looking more at a loss closer to 10 pounds. The important thing, though, is that I have maintained a loss for the better part of the year. Losing the weight involved better eating habits and incorporating exercise into my lifestyle, resulting in a healthier me. And I’m not done; I would like to lose another five to 10 pounds. Let’s see how long that takes in 2020.

Let’s talk about the CV Weekly. Over the last 10 years, with the help of an excellent, focused staff, I’ve been able to launch and grow this newspaper. Though the journey at times has been difficult I believe in my heart that no one is better qualified to bring local news to our readers. I also love doing it. I relish being the go-to resource for fact-based reporting.

In 2020 it is my goal to increase the number of CV Weekly subscribers. Subscribers are an important component of the newspaper, proving how important our citizens think it is to have a reliable information source. The annual fee of $65 (increased for the first time in 10 years) also pays for the delivery people who perform this duty week after week no matter the weather or other challenges. I am also pleased to welcome Chuck Holler to our sales force. He brings sales experience and a deep understanding (and respect) for the CV Weekly. I’m excited to see how he contributes to the paper.

Increasing our advertising sales is tantamount to the success and growth of the CV Weekly and I’m proud to help others grow their businesses, campaigns and services through advertising in the paper. You know the expression “win-win?” Well, advertising in the CV Weekly epitomizes that concept.

I know that my family has influenced my success. They have stood by me and supported me – not always an easy task when my work responsibilities collided with family obligations. As I’ve grown older, I’ve also come to realize how important family is. In 2019 Steve and I traveled to Australia to see my half brother and his wife and meet two of their three grown children. It was an awesome trip and I’m grateful that we took the time to do it. After spending Thanksgiving with two of our boys, in December we traveled to North Carolina where we spent Christmas with our other two sons. These trips reminded me of the importance of “family time” and in looking ahead to 2020 I plan to see more family and friends who are like family.

Do I have lofty goals for 2020? You bet I do – and I look forward to reporting back on my success the same time next year.

Happy New Year and may we all be blessed with health and prosperity.