McCreary Takes ASB Helm

By Marissa GOULD, CV Weekly Intern

Crescenta Valley High School welcomes a new Associated Student Body – ASB – president this year. Joy McCreary said that she does not want to be a passive president, but wants to be as active as possible and engage the entire student body as well. She wants every student at CVHS to know that her doors are always open for ideas and she promises that she will “never say no” to an idea.

McCreary is excited to begin her presidential duties at ASB. She wants to get to know people at the high school and hear about their experiences at CVHS so she can make it better. McCreary has many goals for the school year.

One of three goals is to give recognition to all students, not just those in sports. She wants to celebrate the Falkons robotics team as much as the football team. She also wants to provide some of the school’s smaller sports, like golf, a larger audience. McCreary said that she hopes she can “hype up” all Falcon teams so that every activity, academic or sports-related, has the recognition it deserves.

Her second goal is to increase the students’ involvement in clubs, dances (not just prom and homecoming) and school spirit overall. She wants students to enjoy spirit assemblies and feel like a part of the student body, not just roll their eyes during assembly.

Creating for students a sense of pride and community in their school is McCreary’s third, and final, goal. She wants to improve student morale overall.     Many students don’t participate in school because they don’t feel like they have a voice, but McCreary hopes that will change under her leadership. She wants all students to know that the ASB room is open for their suggestions, that they will be heard under current student government. McCreary added that she knows that a student body isn’t run by just one person, but by many people who strive to make things better.

To encourage school pride, McCreary said that the student body must be informed. She plans on creating publicity for events by putting up signs around the quad, advertising events by chalk drawings on the quad, and using the school’s Facebook page, Crescenta Valley High School, to keep students in the know even while they’re at home.