Students Travel to Historical Memorial

Students from Chamlian Armenian School in La Crescenta traveled to Armenia and visited the Genocide Memorial Monument in Dzidzernagapert.

The eighth grade students of Chamlian Armenian School in La Crescenta recently traveled to Yerevan, Armenia to commemorate the 1915 Armenian Genocide at the historical Genocide Memorial Monument in Dzidzernagapert, a city just outside of Yerevan.
The Armenian Monument in Dzidzernagapert was constructed in 1965 to commemorate the 1.5 million Armenians who were victims of the genocide. The monument is a towering granite needle flanked by an eternal flame. Twelve imposing pylons, representing the 12 provinces where Armenians were massacred, surround the memorial flame inside the fortress. The flame burns to represent the Armenian spirit, symbolizing a spirit that cannot be extinguished.
The Chamlian class experienced the traditional memorial ceremony in Dzidzernagapert performed by the clergy every April 24. The students surrounded the eternal flame, which is bordered by rows of flowers brought by visitors set in a circle around a large flame.
After returning, the students expressed that the trip was an experience of a lifetime, and that the fact that they were present in Dzidzernagapert on April 24 made the journey truly unforgettable.

Contributed by Chamlian Armenian School