HOROSCOPE Jan 4 – Jan 10

ARIES March 21 – April 19
Saturn in Libra is helping you reflect on your partnerships and encouraging you to be proactive to make them the best they can be. Mars brings plenty of opportunity to go dating and have fun. The Sun conjuncts Mercury on Monday, so a revelation may encourage you to see opportunities where there appeared to be none. You may also find yourself re-evaluating a business relationship. You are also moving through a creative period – excellent if you run your own business.

TAURUS April 20 – May 20
The New Year coincides with a desire to explore new ideas. As an entrepreneur, you may be keen to research new business ideas. As Mercury continues to be retrograde make sure you are well prepared if travelling, but expect delays as a matter of course. Sometimes they can allow you to be creative. Jupiter continues to grace your career zone, so keep an eye out for special opportunities. Meanwhile, your love life is moving through an exploratory phase. What will you discover next?

GEMINI May 21 – June 20
You seem to be very proactive when it comes to connecting with others, making enquiries, sharing your thoughts, and brainstorming. Meanwhile, there is a major focus on your joint financial zone. Mars in Leo is perfect for coming up with ideas that could bring you a lot of extra wealth if you are willing to implement them. All good stuff! It may be time for a reshuffle and some discussion on how you can both make your money go further.

CANCER June 21 – July 22
With four planets in your opposite sign of Capricorn, you are very busy negotiating with others, talking things through, and finding ways to re-structure aspects of your relationships, whether romantic or business-orientated. On Monday the Sun conjuncts Mercury, which is retrograde, so issues from the past may be affecting the present. You may need to discuss something that you thought you had resolved. There could be a lot of backtracking and reworking at some level. Eventually it will be resolved.

LEO July 23 – August 22
Your plans may not work out as you hoped, but don’t despair as this can lead to creative alternatives. Now that Mars is in your sign you are at your creative best. Even though Mars is retrograde, you are busy coming up with ideas to improve areas in your life and make your environment more colorful. At this time it pays to look after your health, especially if you have a lot on your plate. Don’t allow stress to get to you.

VIRGO August 23 – Sept. 22
It’s time to adopt a new attitude and shed those old skins that may be keeping you stuck in a rut. The cosmos is encouraging you to branch out and slowly make your way out of your comfort zone. You can do this in stages. Mars is retrograde in your spiritual zone, so you may find that situations beyond your control seem to be causing unnecessary drama. It is time to become aware of the choices you do have in such situations.

LIBRA Sept. 23 – Oct. 22
There is a lot happening in your home zone. This is the time to visit the sales and grab yourself a bargain. It looks as though you will be doing just that. Mercury is retrograde, so don’t arrange contracts to get your house remodelled. Wait until after January 16. Mars is retrograde in your social zone, which is good for reunions, especially the business variety. Make a point of connecting with associates you have known. It may bring many benefits.

SCORPIO Oct. 23 – Nov. 21
If you have a plan for the months ahead, this is the best time for doing all the background work. Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn – another reason why it helps to research your options, gather information, and get everything you need to put your ideas into action once the time comes. You may benefit from doing some studying or book reading around a subject on which you want to know more. It will come in very handy.

SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22 – Dec. 21
Grab those opportunities while you can. You have more of a chance of being lucky if you can get your ideas across to the right people. There is still a lot going on in your personal financial zone. You may be wondering how you can attract more money. The answer is to work for it. As Mercury is your career planet, and as it is retrograde, you may not have much luck with job interviews. All this will change after January 16

CAPRICORN Dec. 22 – Jan. 19
You have so much potential to get ahead. It is time to start taking steps in the right direction. You need to find a balance between driving yourself too hard and not trying at all. Now that Saturn is in your Tenth House of ambition and achievement, this is your chance to manifest some of the magnificent dreams you have been nurturing. Do it step by step – which means creating a strategy that will provide the best route to your goal.

AQUARIUS Jan. 20 – Feb. 18
There is a lot going on in your mysterious Twelfth House. You need time to process your feelings and work through them. Being an Aquarian, you may have a tendency to push them to the back of your agenda and hope that everything will be fine. However, if you have noticed that you have less energy than usual, and that you can’t seem to get going on your latest round of projects, you may need to spend some time in reflection.

PISCES Feb. 19 – March 20
You are happy to carry on enjoying the many networking opportunities that come your way. You seem to be eating, drinking, and living in one big social whirl – which could have big implications for your future. Saturn continues to move through your Eighth House, so take responsibility for your psychological and emotional well-being at a very deep level. The more you are prepared to dive in, the more energized you will feel. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty.