»Montrose Shopping Park News

’Til We Meet Again, Gracious Marilyn…

Marilyn’s early Victori Ana days.
Marilyn’s early Victori Ana days.

Last weekend while visiting with Mark and Wendy, the owners of Country Classics, we got a phone call from Gerry at Victori Ana. His sister Marilyn, Victori Ana’s owner, had passed away. With this news came a flood of memories of what it was like to have our large gifts stores on Honolulu Avenue. You see, we were all friends and little did we know five years ago that economic events would forever change the nature of small store retail. Victori Ana was the vision of its gracious, beautiful and elegant owner brought to life. Marilyn had taste and she made you feel so special.


Receiving a Founder’s Day Award in 2010.
Receiving a Founder’s Day Award in 2010.

Marilyn’s memorial last weekend was held at The Church of the Recessional at Forest Lawn where in 1966 she married Massoud Mojahed, the love of her life. My husband, who is also a pastor and friend, had the honor of officiating at this touching ceremony. Everyone loved Marilyn, her smile, beauty, gracious speech, talent for selecting exquisite items for the store, and her amazing gift wrap. Marilyn was one classy lady and her brother Gerry is a true gentleman.

There will never be another Victori Ana!
There will never be another Victori Ana!

Sadly Victori Ana will be closing – the end of an era. Thankfully the landlords, Lilian and Karla of Holiday Hats & Gowns, have a heart for Montrose and preserving our heritage of special “one of a kind” businesses. Something good will be coming, you can count on that. In the meantime, visit Victori Ana this weekend. Give them a big hug and buy yourself a memento. How blessed we were to have Marilyn and her special store to enjoy for over 20 years. I’ll see you in heaven, dear friend!


Mary Dawson promotes the Montrose Shopping Park. She and her family own Mountain Rose Gifts and Revelation Tops.
Mary Dawson promotes the Montrose Shopping Park. She and her family own Mountain Rose Gifts and Revelation Tops.