Writing a new chapter in the new year

News from the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.” Edith Lovejoy Pierce

The New Year is here. Have you started your new book yet? Well this is your opportunity. Your new book might have started with a new year’s resolution or two. Have you kept your resolutions so far?
On Associatedcontent.com,  writer Debline posted that keeping those New Year’s resolutions are as easy as 1-2-3-4-5 and gave five easy steps. First, make goals that are achievable. If you are currently a couch potato who’s 25 pounds overweight, then it’s nearly a sure thing that you will fail at a resolution that says something like, “Climb Mount Everest by the end of the year.”
2. Be clear about your goals. If you’re not sure what your goal is, that will be reflected in your resolution.
3. Write them down. Writing things down serves two purposes – it cements the goal in your mind and it gives you something to look back on to remind you what you aspire to.
4. Think carefully about your goal before you commit to it. If you want to be serious about this New Year’s resolution thing, you must be frank with yourself about those goals.
Finally, have fun with your resolutions. Put something really fun on your list like, “Finally learn how to make sushi (take a class)” or “Take an all-girls road trip to Vegas.” You might hold the fun thing until you complete other goals on your list like losing weight or getting out of debt. But putting something fun and frivolous on your New Year’s resolution list will give you something to look forward to as you do the hard work of improving your life.
That is great advice to help us all improve our lives. If your New Year’s resolution is to help the community you live in, or support the business owners in the Crescenta Valley or even to become a business owner, then let the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce help. If you own a business in the Crescenta Valley and have any specials or exciting news to share, please let us know so that we can help promote it for you.
Please join us on Tuesday, Jan. 12, at Urartu Restaurant, 3463 Foothill Blvd., La Crescenta for our 85th annual Installation of Officers and Directors. Congratulations to our incoming officers. Our 2010 executive board is as follows: President Jean Maluccio; Vice President Leslie Lesh; Secretary Eleanor Wacker; Treasurer Craig Fisher; Honorary Mayor Steve Pierce.
Here is to a new year of enough exciting opportunities to fill every chapter of your new book.
Important dates: Jan. 12 –Installation Luncheon; Feb. 10 – CV Chamber mixer at Dream Dinners. Call our office for more details on any event. How to reach us: (818) 248-4957 / crescentachamber@aol.com / www.LaCrescenta.org / 3131 Foothill Blvd. Ste D.

Julia Rabago is the executive director
of Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce.