The Women’s Council of Verdugo Hills Hospital and Foundation held its first ever Artistry and Wine – Celebrating the Art of Healing event in late October. The fundraiser was held under the stately oaks of the elegant La Cañada home of Sam and Kate Kaneko.
Not only were guests treated to a selection of fine wines by White Cottage Winery in Napa Valley, but Ocean View Bistro prepared foods that complemented the various whites and reds served.
Suzonne Slaughter, event chair, took time to welcome guests and explain that the funds raised would go toward the purchase of COWs – Computers On Wheels – saying that the goal of the evening was “to grow the herd.”
In addition to the COWs, the Women’s Council hoped to increase the number of infant warmers that the hospital has in its nursery.
Leonard LaBella, VHH president and CEO, added that the hospital is moving toward creating a completely electronic medical filing system by 2014 – an ambitious undertaking as the hospital is currently just 8% of completion.
A silent auction closed at 8:30 and the evening culminated in dessert and live auction that boasted private wine tasting classes, a customized wine cellar, overnight accommodations at various romantic locales and event a gourmet Italian meal for six prepared by “Chef” Len LaBella.
According to Women’s Council Director of Development Jennifer Berger, the event raised about $30,000.
“For a first time event like this, we’re very pleased with the result,” said Berger. “The Women’s Council hopes to continue it in the future.”