Annual Clean Up of Briggs Terrace Area

Local emergency preparedness organizations lent a hand at the 5th Annual Briggs Terrace Work Day and Potluck.
Local emergency preparedness organizations lent a hand at the 5th Annual Briggs Terrace Work Day and Potluck.

The Crescenta Valley Fire Safe Council, CV Ready, the Upper Canyonside Association and the Briggs Terrace Neighborhood sponsored the 5th annual Briggs Terrace Work Day and Potluck on June 14. Residents came out in the morning hours to work on neighborhood residences to mitigate fire risks. Some neighbors worked together on group projects or assisted neighbors who needed help. Others cleaned up their properties and filled a large roll-off bin donated by the community’s newest partner, Burrtec. Recent fires across Southern California and the idea that a neighborhood is only as safe as the least prepared property spurred neighbors to spend time and energy to make Briggs Terrace a safer community.

Some worked in groups, others worked alone to clear the area of excess vegetation and other fire dangers.
Some worked in groups, others worked alone to clear the area of excess vegetation and other fire dangers.

There was also participation by L.A. County Fire, L.A. County Public Health, Crescenta Valley Fire Safe Council and CV Ready, which shared information about home hardening, ember mitigation, disaster preparation, recovery and resiliency. CV Ready volunteers completed a practice muster prior to the clean up event to test their new communications trailer and disaster communications equipment purchased through a grant from the L.A. County Public Health Dept. All of the efforts of the day supported the theory that knowing one’s neighbors and working together creates a safer community.

Educational materials were distributed and a raffle was held for all participants who completed a neighborhood survey. This information will be used to map the needs and assets of the community allowing better planning in the case of an emergency.

Submitted by Judy TURNER