Says Charity Begins at Home


Congressman Adam Schiff believes that America should roll out the welcome mat for thousands of Syrian Refugees (“More Needs To Be Done To Help Syrian Refugees,” Viewpoints, Sept. 24).

“The United States has been among the most generous of nations in contributing money and aid to help the refugees,” he writes, “and … we are trying to do more by resettlement of a small portion of those displaced” – 20,000 people by his count.

Schiff forgets that America has been more than generous in dealing with a decades-long crisis – illegal immigration – that costs California taxpayers at least $10 billion a year. Can we really afford another crisis?

Representative Brain Babin of Texas has introduced the Resettlement Accountability National Security Act to place a moratorium on admission of refugees until Congress considers all of the implications, including national security.

In the meantime, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees reminds us that charity begins at home.

“Helping refugees in their countries of origin is a lot cheaper than it is to help them only when they get here,” he writes. “Solutions include enabling people to go home or at least to stay as close to home as possible.”

Les Hammer
