Goodbye, Glendale Park Rangers

Sadly after two decades of service to the community, the Park Ranger program has been eliminated from the city of Glendale, a victim of the reduced budget enacted last week by the City Council. I spoke to Russ Hauck, who until last Thursday had been a Glendale Park Ranger since the program started in 1991. […]

A Railroad to the Top of the Verdugos

A few weeks ago, I wrote of a plan to develop the Verdugo Mountains back in the 70s via a roadway along the ridgetops. But there had been a plan earlier than that –1912 to be exact – to bring people to the summit via a “funicular railway” similar to the Mt. Lowe Railway in […]

Drayman’s Fall from Grace and the Future of Montrose

I’m not a person of faith, yet I have had to summon a lot of that just that to continue to support John Drayman. The attacks on him have been unrelenting. Some have said, “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” I maintain that in some cases, and this is one of them, “Where there’s smoke, there’s […]

Big noise from Winnetka

Treasures of the Valley –Mike Lawler This Saturday, March 13 at 1 p.m. there will be a free screening of John Newcombe’s latest film, “Winnetka Story,” the history of Chicago’s North Shore, at the La Crescenta Library.  John’s previous film, the award-winning “Rancho La Cañada”, is about the history of the Crescenta-Cañada Valley. I’d like […]