Weather in the Foothills

By Sue KILPATRICK “That beautiful season of summer, Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; And the landscape lay as if created in all the freshness of childhood.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Another school year has come and gone. Summer vacation began several days before the official start of summer. These two […]

Weather in the Foothills

By Sue KILPATRICK “Listen! The wind is rising and the air is wild with leaves,                                   We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves.” — Humbert Wolfe, English poet 1926 Maybe not this week or next, but with historical certainty we can expect the Santa Ana winds to come blasting through the San Gabriel […]

At home in the foothills

By Doug KILPATRICK Welcome to At Home in the Foothills, a regular CV Weekly column featuring tips and information about maintaining and enjoying your home. Now that the kids are back in school and summer vacations are over it’s time to make a top-to-bottom inspection of your home. While not a substitute for professional inspections […]

Weather in the foothills

By Sue KILPATRICK “I have…a terrible need, shall I say the word?…of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.” — Vincent van Gogh I am just coming down (literally) from a trip to the eastern Sierras. This return is made easier knowing I have the foothills to come home to. By […]

Weather in the Foothills

“Some people are weather wise, some are otherwise.” — Ben Franklin Although unofficial, Memorial weekend brought summer to the foothills. Temperatures in the low 90s were an invitation to backyard barbecues and a dip into the pool. Nighttime lows did not dip much below a mild 60 degrees. As the week progressed it felt more […]