Rep. Schiff Statement on U.S. Military Strikes Against ISIL and Khorasan Group in Syria

Today, Rep. Adam Schiff, a senior Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, released the following statement after the President ordered strikes against ISIL and the Khorasan group in Syria last night:

“Last night’s airstrikes against ISIL targets in Syria represent a significant expansion of the Administration’s efforts to degrade and ultimately defeat this new terrorist ‘state.’  The participation of Arab forces is especially important, not only to put an Arab face on the American led coalition, but also to  cement their involvement in the long-term effort required to defeat ISIL.

“The attack on the Khorasan group was also significant.  On the Intelligence Committee we have long been aware of, and concerned with, the threat posed by this amalgam of core Al Qaeda from Afghanistan and Pakistan, the premier bomb-makers of AQAP, and abundant foreign recruits who can easily travel abroad to carry out attacks against Europe and United States.  The Khorasan group and AQAP continue to be the most proximate threat to our nation.

“This significant escalation of the military effort makes it all the more imperative for Congress to take up a new authorization to use force.  The rationale given by the Administration, that its actions against ISIL can be justified by an authorization passed by Congress in the days after 9/11, is increasingly untenable, and Congress must not abdicate its responsibility.  Congress should never have recessed with a war underway – we should take up this issue the moment we return to session.”