Ten Second Warning of Napa Earthquake

Rep. Adam Schiff released the following statement on Sunday after the U.C. Berkeley Seismological Lab provided residents in Oakland and San Francisco with a ten second warning before the Napa Valley earthquake shook their homes, businesses and infrastructure:

“Today’s successful use of the early earthquake warning system shows that a full West Coast system would be successful in giving residents, businesses and critical infrastructure an important warning of a large magnitude earthquake. While this was not the ‘big one,’ we need to be prepared to save lives and protect vital infrastructure — even a few seconds of warning will allow people to seek cover, automatically slow or stop trains, pause surgeries and more.”

Click below to see how the bay area residents were warned:


Earlier this year, Rep. Schiff through the Appropriations Committee included $5 million in funding in the Fiscal Year 2015 Interior and Environment Appropriations bill for the Earthquake Early Warning System, the first time Congress has ever provided funding specifically for the system. Schiff also led a group of 25 Members from California, Washington and Oregon in organizing a request that the committee fund an early earthquake warning system.
A limited system developed by Caltech, UC-Berkeley and University of Washington, in conjunction with the United State Geological Survey (USGS), has already been deployed and has proven that the early warning technology is sound.