Photos by Ruth SOWBY
Porto’s Café in Glendale played host to Glendale’s finest on Nov. 14. Cops, partnering with the Glendale Latino Association, has been presenting the Cops for Kids toy drive for more than 10 years. For November’s GLA mixer, more than 50 supporters were especially generous. The collection table groaned with toys for the little kids and makeup, hair accessories, arts and crafts, art supplies and science kits for the older kids. Gift cards were also welcomed.

GLA Treasurer Miryam Finkleberg checked in the attendees. Sitting by her side was Jasmine Venegas-Goulet, GLA board member.
“Our goal is to give back to the community, especially to the needy ones,” she said.
Porto’s owner Betty Porto socialized with guests and urged all to partake of Porto’s pastries and sandwiches.

GLA President Anita Quiñonez Gabrielian welcomed all and announced the GLA 2025 honorees. Desiree Portillo-Robinov was named Woman of the Year. She is president of the Glendale Community College board of trustees and president-elect of Glendale Soroptimist. Greg Fish, Glendale Fire Dept. chief, was named Man of the Year. Both accepted their new titles and thanked GLA. Recognized as Organization of the Year was Glendale Forest Lawn.
Cops for Kids was founded in 1995 by two deputies on patrol from the Lake Elsinore Sheriff’s Station. The deputies saw a need to help children at Christmas time. Along with other deputies at the station, they started delivering gifts to underprivileged children while on patrol during the holidays.