Bridging Ceremony Transforms Cubs into Scouts

New Scout Lucy Lee receives the red neckerchief of the Scouts BSA (Boy Scouts of America) from Troop 209 Scoutmaster Elizabeth Artiz and her daughter Scout Gracie Artiz. Photos by Ruth SOWBY


On Saturday, March 8 at Mountain Avenue Elementary School in La Crescenta, 21 girls and boys from Pack 360 Webelos Scouts literally bridged the gap from Cubs to full-fledged Scouts. A makeshift bridge allowed each Cub Scout to cross over to the waiting Scout troop and Scoutmaster.  

The Scouts color guard opens the bridging ceremony of Scout Pack 360 at Mountain Avenue Elementary School.

Before making the transition to Troop 209, the Cubs had to be proficient in new skills. For example, “big” Scouts are trusted to use pocketknives. As Bear Cub Scouts, the youth were taught how to use knives safely and learned the Pocketknife Pledge: 

“I will treat my pocketknife with the respect due a useful tool.

I will always close my pocketknife and put it away when not in use.

I will not use my pocketknife when it might injure somewhere near me.

I will promise never to throw pocketknife for any reason.

I will use my pocketknife in a safe manner at all times.” 

Pocketknives notwithstanding, the Cubs had also learned campfire skills. Facing their parents, the Cubs pledged, “I am learning new skills that will help me when I become a Scout BSA like how to pitch my own tent and how to make a campfire and how to cook camp food.”

Having learned many skills, Cub Lucy Lee, 11, crossed the bridge to the “big” Scouts in the Lions of Troop 209. Placing the official red Scout neckerchief on her was Gracie Artiz supervised by her mother and Scoutmaster Elizabeth Artiz. 

Parting from her former pack, Lee said, “I love you but now I have to be a big Scout.”    

Pack 360 Den leader Jay Youn is gifted with a photo album by Hanna Gordon, 10, and Jack Campbell, 10, that pictured Cub experiences.


Cub Lucy Lee, 11, crosses over the bridge to become a full-fledged Scout of Troop 290.