Well Earned Applause
On Sunday, Nov. 4, a young family set up a lemonade and cookie stand at the corner of La Crescenta and Los Olivos avenues, with proceeds of their sales and donations to go to the Red Cross in support of Hurricane Sandy relief.  By Monday morning a sign was posted: “Thanks to all who gave $1,027.29 to the Red Cross.”

I was in New York during the hurricane, and understand the devastation and hopeless desperation of many who are still struggling with the aftermath of the storm. I applaud this generous family who gave up their Sunday to work hard to bring relief to strangers on the other side of the country, teaching a valuable lesson to their children and all of us.

And, while I am not surprised, I also applaud the generosity of our community.
Anne McNeil
La Crescenta

A Word of Thanks
On behalf of the Board of Education and the entire Glendale Unified School District, I would like to say thank you to the greater Glendale/La Crescenta/Sagebrush communities for the overwhelming support they showed for the District’s Race to the Top grant (RTTT) application. The District received over 70 letters of support from a myriad of organizations.      We decided to submit the 503-page grant to the federal government even without the signature of the teachers’ union president. We choose to do this in our quest to find additional funding sources in order to prepare our students for their future.

I would like to publically thank Dr. Kelly King for her leadership and commitment she put in as the lead writer of the grant. The concepts of the grant will be moving forward over the next few years; unfortunately, we will not have a potential influx of $40 million to assist us in the implementation.

As with Measure S, the GUSD appreciates the support of our community, parents, students, classified employees, and numerous individual teachers.
Richard M. Sheehan Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Glendale Unified School District

“Medicine” to End Election Season
Regarding Jim Chase’s Nov. 1 article, “Hoping (and voting) for change” [Viewpoints]: Thankfully at the end of this particularly toxic election season, we have Jim Chase to provide us all with his curative and profound medicine … something to induce vomiting!
Bobby Pelli
La Crescenta