CVWD – Wrapping up 2020
As 2020 closes out, CVWD wants to thank customers for their support and participation in both the blood drive and the canned food drive. CVWD customers and staff donated 36 units of blood for patients at local hospitals and over 400 cans of food to help feed families in need.
CVWD’s administration building is currently closed to walk-in customers. However, there are many new online services available on the website Existing residential customers may pay their bill, request payment extensions, request a leak check, apply for the low-income discount, as well as keep up on board and committee meetings schedules. Customers may also start and stop service all by submitting their requests online. Currently CVWD is not assessing late fees or shutting off water for non-payment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, by reducing expenses and deferring spending to the greatest extent possible, the board was able to approve the postponement of water and wastewater rate increases for the 2020-21 fiscal year.
With support from the board of directors and hard work by staff and despite the pandemic CVWD made great strides this year in terms of improving long-term infrastructure reliability. After securing its highest Standard and Poor’s (S&P) rating in District history, a two-position jump to AA-, the District was able to secure a low interest bond to support a three-year $5,000,000 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget. To show the community what projects are being funded by bonds, it will see a new logo around town.
Capital improvement projects will serve to ensure service reliability by replacing and upgrading critical infrastructure, facilities, technology and services. The following is a list of critical CIP projects for fiscal year 2020-21 funded by CVWD’s water bonds:
By using ingenuity and teamwork, CVWD staff was able to complete a critical repair at Oak Creek Reservoir that was otherwise slated for completion by an outside contractor. Oak Creek Reservoir serves customers in CVWD’s Zone 4 – approximately 2,000 customers. The leak on the 16-inch inlet/outlet manifold was repaired exclusively by CVWD staff over a very hectic three days and residents’ water service was not interrupted during this time. This out-of-the-box in-house solution saved the District over $200,000.
CVWD would like to acknowledge and thank all the front line essential workers living in and serving our community during these difficult times.