Letter to the Editor

CVWD Repairs Serious Leak At Oak Creek Reservoir
On Aug 29, CVWD detected a leak in the 16-inch inlet/outlet manifold at Oak
Creek Reservoir (for details see CVWD board packet for Oct. 13, Action Item 5).

Oak Creek Reservoir provides water to approximately 2,000 CVWD customers. The CVWD board immediately approved $275K plus $50K contingency for repairs, recognizing the situation’s seriousness and potential loss of water to 2,000 homes.

The original approach proposed “proceeding with a sole-sourced design/build pro- posal from MKN Consulting to get a capable contractor onsite as quickly as possible to avoid exacerbating the leak and causing a catastrophic failure that affects all of CVWD’s customers in Zone 4.”

Then someone had a better idea. Dennis Maxwell, director of Operations, and his team came up with a home-grown solution which was implemented over several hair-raising days (the solution was physically challenging and potentially dangerous).

(See the video on the CVWD website www.cvwd.com under “Agendas & Minutes”/“Board Agendas and Information”/” Nov. 10 2020”/”Oak Creek Video”.)

Mr. Maxwell estimates the home-grown solution cost approximately $65K, thus saving the District over $200K. Mr. Maxwell, his team and the rest of the folks at CVWD demonstrate the enthusiasm, professionalism and just really caring about their job that I have encountered over and over again over the past year.

I am not affiliated with CVWD so any errors in the above is solely due to me; I am just a retired member of the community who has been attending CVWD board and committee meetings for over a year.
Marilyn Tyler
La Crescenta