All Lives Should Matter

This letter addresses that of Yatindra Bhatnagar, printed in the CV Weekly on July 16, “All Lives Matter.”

Mr. Bhatnagar’s grievance is Adam Schiff and his support for Black Lives Matter. I want to thank Mr. Bhatnagar for reminding us of the profound importance of all lives mattering. Countless people and groups in our country, among whom I number, are laboring overtime, working on behalf of this cause.

A partial list of our groups’ action points:

• Calling people “in,” rather than “out,” in the belief that responding with love and inclusiveness to concerns will invite more people to join the movement to ensure that all lives matter.

• Owning in our heart and soul the belief in inclusivity and love by joining action groups to spread these ideas.

• Educating ourselves on the history of humans being inhumane to each other for the purpose of not repeating past errors.

• Learning to listen actively and compassionately to support the human need to be truly seen and truly heard.

• Keeping in mind at all times the inherent worth and dignity of all humans.

• Committing to our own spiritual and psychological growth in order to understand ourselves better and, by extension, others.

• Writing letters (like this one).

All lives will, in fact, begin to matter when the lives of Black People Matter.

And so it is.

DeAnn Morris
