Letter to the Editor

Advises Cleanup of Parking Areas

Regarding the continuation of the outdoor eating parklets in Montrose [“Outdoor Dining Parklets to Stay a Little Longer in Montrose,” July 29), I can understand why the restaurants are happy with them. However, as has been pointed out, one of the problems they have created are the removal of parking spaces. Montrose seems to have enough parking, though the lots are behind the shops and restaurants requiring a bit of a walk. All that would be fine, except for the conditions of these lots, particularly to the south of Honolulu. The main lot behind the 2200 and 2300 blocks is smelly, trashy and altogether unpleasant. It is not the sort of “welcome” shoppers and visitors should have to face.

I’m not sure why the first area customers encounter would be so shamefully neglected. I hope the [MSPA] and the merchants might turn their efforts towards the elimination of litter, foul-smelling dumpsters and grime in their lots in order to make visiting Montrose that much nicer.

Brenda Gant