Project UFO Lands in Tujunga
Recently I was sent two newspaper clippings with brief mentions of filming being done in Tujunga for the television show “Project UFO” in 1978. The program featured Air Force investigators charged with examining UFO sightings and the show aired on NBC for two seasons.
The initial filming was during the first week of February 1978. Just months prior in 1977 a UFO sighting had occurred in Council Bluffs, Iowa and the newspaper clipping included a photo of the Tujunga Canyon Boulevard street sign being covered over with a Council Bluffs sign.
The scene was filmed in the parking lot of Commerce Pharmacy on the southeast corner of Tujunga Canyon Boulevard and Commerce Avenue. What’s interesting about that is the Commerce Pharmacy building was torn down many years ago. I had never seen the structure until watching this show. The address appears in phone books in the early 1950s, and Commerce Pharmacy arrives in 1975 and continues through 1984.
The episode, called “The Medicine Bow Incident,” aired on March 26, 1978. Tujunga played the role of Medicine Bow, Wyoming where the investigators interrogate a man about his claims of sighting a UFO. In addition to the pharmacy, several other buildings are shown and it’s quite entertaining to see what Tujunga looked like nearly 50 years ago.
Just months later, the second filming took place during the first week of September 1978. In this instance the newspaper clipping displayed a film crew just outside of what today is the Modest Fly Art Studio at 10055 Commerce Ave. and included complaints about the parking difficulties the day of the filming.
With this second episode, called “The Superstitious Mountain Incident” that aired on Dec. 7, 1978, there were a few pleasant surprises, the least of which was the guest appearance of Dr. Joyce Brothers acting her heart out on Commerce Avenue. More special was the appearance of two local historic stars, Bolton Hall Museum and Nicholson’s Market.
The Air Force investigators lean against the southern stone pillar out in front of Bolton Hall while observing a young couple across the street. What makes this more interesting is that Bolton Hall was boarded up at this time. It was nearing the end of some 20 years of dormancy after being closed down as a city services building in 1959. It would be another two years before it would be dedicated as a history museum on Dec. 6, 1980.
It was quite exciting to discover the appearance of Nicholson’s Market in the program as that again was something I had never seen. Nicholson’s Market was one of the earliest stores in Tujunga. It was first opened in the mid ’20s by its proprietor, William Nicholson. Mr. Nicholson and his wife Mary operated their little store at 10227 Commerce Ave. for nearly 25 years until William’s passing in 1948. The store continued to operate under different names and when “Project UFO” arrived in 1978 it was Roy’s Market. For the filming, the name was changed to Pawlings General Store, and today it’s simply a residence.
The side story about Mr. Nicholson is that the man could whittle. I’m not talking the sharpening of sticks – I’m talking incredible, amazing whittling. Mary passed away in March 1945 and William followed in July 1948. Many years later, Bolton Hall Museum received a phone call: “Would you like this box of whittled items that we’ve found in storage at the market?” Fortunately, the box was accepted. You can still visit the museum and observe many of these impressive carved wooden items for yourself.
With some effort it’s possible to locate and watch these clips online but to see them on the big screen along with further commentary come join me at Bolton Hall Museum on April 12 at 1 p.m. for my presentation “Foothill Connections to Old Los Angeles.” Numerous interesting topics will be explored.