L.A. County Assessor Offers Tax Relief
Assessor Jeffrey Prang urges homeowners and owners of other property damaged or destroyed by the recent wildfires to seek tax relief.
By filing a claim for “Misfortune & Calamity” relief (available at assessor.lacounty.gov) within one year, property owners who have suffered $10,000 or more in damage as a result of the Skirball, Rye, or Creek fires may qualify for a refund of property taxes they recently paid, as well as a lower tax bill moving forward.
The Assessor’s Office, working in conjunction with fire department officials, will determine which properties are being affected.
Assessor’s Disaster Relief Hotline is (213) 974-8658.
Although the Assessor’s Office proactively reaches out to property owners to notify them of their eligibility for Misfortune & Calamity relief, state law mandates that each property owner submit this claim in order to receive relief. Those without computer access may obtain a paper claim form at any of the Assessor’s offices, including in Sylmar at 13800 Balboa Blvd.
Rosemont Preserve Open Gate Afternoon
An “open gate” event is taking place at the Rosemont Preserve on Sunday morning, Dec. 17. This is a chance for residents to visit the Preserve and wander the trail at their own pace and enjoy the tranquil setting, the wildlife and the natural beauty. Photographers: bring your camera to capture the morning light.
The gate will be open from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., and Friends of the Rosemont Preserve Committee members will be available to answer questions and present this community resource.
The Preserve is located at the north end of Rosemont Avenue, just past the chain link fence. As street parking is limited, please park at Two Strike Park, 5107 Rosemont Ave. Those planning on walking the trails should wear sturdy shoes.
This event is free to the public and suitable for all ages; no reservations required. Rain cancels. Sorry, no pets please.
For further information, contact the Friends of the Rosemont Preserve at RosemontFriends@gmail.com.