Photos by Mary O’KEEFE
The Crescenta Valley Town Council election was held last weekend. There were six seats open, three regular seats and three alternates with four candidates running. Unfortunately two additional candidates were found not eligible because they did not live within the unincorporated area of Los Angeles County Montrose/La Crescenta.
Kerri Lewin Brautigam took 31% of the vote, Chris Kilpatrick had 28.5% and Jeffrey Rodriguez had 21.5%; all were elected to regular positions. Daniel Kim secured a place as an alternate with 19% of the vote.
“The Council can appoint two people on a temporary basis as alternates,” said Kilpatrick, the current CVTC president.
Kilpatrick is excited about his new term on the Council and what it will be working on in the future.
“[The Council has been] tackling so many emergency issues lately,” he said.
Those issues include a new business on Frances Street – U Matter Luxury Resort – and proposed development at the northwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Briggs Avenue. He said he is looking forward to continuing the Council’s work on these issues but also working with law enforcement regarding traffic issues in the area.
“We have done [or are in the process of completing] almost a dozen traffic studies,” he said.
The Council will also keep a watchful eye on new laws from Sacramento and new ordinances from LA County.
Although those on the Council are elected, the Crescenta Valley Town Council is not an official government entity. It is a private non-profit membership organization that acts as the liaison between the unincorporated area of LA County Montrose/La Crescenta and the supervisor for the fifth district of LA County (currently Kathryn Barger).
Council meetings are held the third Thursday of the month in the community room of the La Crescenta Library, 2809 Foothill Blvd., at 7 p.m. The next meeting is tonight, Nov. 16.